Pb AND Cd FROM Acanthus ilicifolius AND Coix Lacryma-jobi IN NATURAL HABITAT
Abstrak - The
natural habitat of Acanthus ilicifolius (Acanthaceae) in the downstream releted
to mangrove areas, and Coix lacryma-jobi (Poaceae) found in the upstream river.
Both of aquatic plants have similar habitat in wetland areas. While the
polulation increase and development followed by pollutants that discharged into
the environment. The pollutants that polluting the environment and toxic are
heavy metals. Heavy metal pollution is a serious attention, if absorbed and
accumulate in human can be detrimental to health and cause of death. The
concepts are focus on plants mechanism as a natural technology to solve
environmental problems called phytotechnology. Phytotechnology can be applied
to environmental monitoring. River can polluting from wastewater from agricultural, industrial and
residential. So the aquatic plants possibility exposure to the heavy metal
wastewater are A. ilicifolius (Jeruju) and C. Lacryma-jobi (Jali). This
research aims to know the concentration of heavy metals, lead (Pb) and cadmium
(Cd) on A. ilicifolius and C. lacryma-jobi in their natural habitat,
interesting to do. The study conducted during April-June 2014, with explorative
method, sampling A. ilicifolius on the mangrove river at easten coastal of
Surabaya and C. lacryma-jobi on drainage around the Purwodadi Botanic Garden.
The results showed the highest of Pb concentrations found 0.59 mg/L in A.
ilicifolius, and 2.34 mg/L in C. lacryma-jobi. While Cd concentrations found in
both species are much smaller and undetectable tool.
Keywords: Phytomonitoring, Acanthus ilicifolius, Coix lacryma-jobi, Heavy Metal,
Pb and Cd.